God's got this!

When you don't have a professional film crew and a permit from the city to shut everything down around you, filming a video outdoors in your neighborhood can get a little tricky. Today's video is short. Filming had to be halted and restarted several times because of a barking dog, a rattle-y truck going by, and a repair crew welding an iron fence next door, using a generator. As we were filming this take that you'll see below, I saw the repair truck for the welding company slowly backing up the street toward me, and I figured I'd better wrap this thing up quickly.

So, the point I intended to make not quite so briefly, is that in a time when everything seems out of our control -- like in the middle of a pandemic, when just about everything is shut down (except for people who repair iron fences, apparently) -- we may be surprised to discover that we don't HAVE to be in control. God's got this! It's going to be okay! Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Let it out. Open your eyes. Open your clenched fists! Seriously -- God can handle the stuff that you can't. God WILL handle it. You don't give God directions on how to do it, either, because God knows better than you do. Every time.

Meanwhile, I've got a window box full of yellow and white portulaca, a little spring present from God. Not pictured in the video: a patch of gaillardia coming into bloom in my front garden, daisy-like flowers of yellow and red. Descendants of plants from years past. If you walk by the front of the church, you'll see some in bloom right now there, too.

And here's the video, a minute and a half long.

And the gaillardia.


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